Product Designer | Accessibility Advocate
REA Space Mobile - grey.png

REA Spaces Mobile

A case study describing the development of a platform for REA to enter the short term accommodation and workspace rental market. A General Assembly group project.

REA Spaces Mobile 

Going Mobile

Translating the multi-panel search functionality into a dynamic, swipeable interface for mobile proved to be the most interesting and most challenging part of the translation. Designing the interface so that users would receive visual clues around where to swipe and scroll was a large point of focus.

Iteration 1 of Mobile Search Feature

Iteration 1 of Mobile Search Feature

User Testing & Iteration

I user testing two iterations of the final prototype, as seen above, with three potential users of the mobile interface. As seen above, the initial iteration did not contain any visual clues as to whether or not the screen could be swiped. As the multi-panel search functionality is such an integral design for the REA Spaces website, it was essential to me that this design experience was consistent between desktop and mobile. 

Through testing, I was able to determine that including a sliver of the adjacent screens would indicate that the mobile web interface was swipeable. This allowed me to retain an important visual experience on mobile that is so valuable to the REA Spaces project.